Monthly Awards – McGuire Family and Ted Breuker

Family of the Month: John and Jean McGuire have been with Our Lady of the Pines for many years, and have always been active in the parish and community. John is a Past Grand Knight and he even held every other position in the council. He has been with the council since its beginning as was Jean with the Ladies’ Auxiliary. As part of their service, this couple has for a long time been bringing communion to the home bound and visiting seniors and ailing. With all of that John continues support to the council by participating in burrito sales.

Knight of the Month: Ted Breuker epitomizes Faith in Action. Ted is a regular and active participant in TMIY, That Man is You, the Parish COR group. As a Proclaimer at Mass, Ted serves as the bridge between Scripture and the faithful. During the Feast of Corpus Christi, Ted helped carry the processional canopy protecting the Blessed Sacrament. Ted also serves as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.

John McGuire – Family of the Month