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Breakfast Burritos

January 30, 2022

WE NEED YOUR HELP! This Sunday we are once again going to be selling our breakfast burritos. In order to make enough burritos this time around Greg Sullivan will be leading 2 assembly lines beginning at 6:30am in the parish hall kitchen. We need to have as many as possible to help out! Since we sold out again early last time we are planning on making 20 trays of burritos again on Sunday! Cooking and burrito assembly begin at 6:30am, setup and sales crews at 9:20 and 11:20. Please reach out to me or to Greg Sullivan to let us know that you will be helping out on Sunday! Brother Greg can be reached at (901) 212-7660 (text him) or email: gpsmemphis@gmail.com. I think we could easily use 10-12 volunteers for that 6:30 shift as well as 4-6 for both of the sales crews!

If you are going to make a purchase of 20 or more burritos, please let us know in advance. As usual, burritos are $3 each or $20 for 7.


January 30, 2022


Greg Sullivan


OLP Church
11020 Teachout Rd
Black Forest, CO United States
+ Google Map

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