Knights Raise $1500 for Walk for Life

Today, Saturday, June 3rd, Knights from our council and fellow Our Lady of the Pines parishioners participated in the Walk for Life to support the ministry of Life Network to protect the sanctity of life. The team composed of walkers who faced unfavorable weather combined with sponsors and raised over $1500. They were part of the over 1150 participants in today’s event.

Knights and OLP Parishioners join cause
From their website at Walk for Life funds from the event:
continue offering free services to the community and ministering to over 15,000 babies, women, men, families and students that God will send our way this year. Through its many local outreach programs, including the Colorado Springs Pregnancy Centers, Life Network offers many free services including:

  • Pregnancy tests
  • Pregnancy options counseling
  • STD testing and treatment
  • Ultrasounds
  • Baby clothing and furnishings
  • Parenting education
  • Childbirth and infant care classes
  • Emergency baby supplies
  • Maternity clothing
  • Post-abortion recovery groups
  • Education on sexual integrity and risk-avoidance
  • Suicide prevention & awareness education for students