This Worthy Sir Knight originally joined the Knights of Columbus in December 2012. He has been a knight for 10 years. His demeanor is exemplary of a knight that lives his life in service. He is a regular fixture at our events, and he became a most valuable player when it comes to our Fish Fry Fridays this year. Wind, Cold, Hot Oil, Frozen Fish or Fries, no matter what, he dug in and was instrumental in helping to make our fish fry season a success. He is involved with our Life Safety Team, EMHC, and Welcome activities, and as a Sacristan. He is a living example of what it means to give graciously and selflessly to the causes we support for the parish, the community, and the Knights of Columbus.
It is my honor to present our brother, Gary Munda, recognition as our Knight of the Month for March 2023!
This family is a regular fixture in many parish life activities. He has reached out to us to join the Knights of Columbus. His wife is a God’s Flock teacher, EMHC, a hospitality minister, an altar server ministry lead, and sings in the Generations Choir. The children are also involved as hospitality ministers, video cam and visual ministers, VBS volunteers, Altar servers, and the Generations choir. The entire family is involved in our Charity and Social Justice ministry. They can be found attending and/or leading many of our parish gatherings and activities. The family is an excellent example of living their Catholic faith and being leaders within the parish community. For these reasons, I am pleased to present our Family of the Month honor for the month of March 2023 to Jason and Brigitte Adams and their children Kenzie, Elle, and Shelby.