The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal Catholic family service organization with founding principles of charity, unity, and fraternity. Our Lady Of the Pines (OLP) Council #11730 meets in the OLP Lodge at 11020 Teachout Rd in Black Forest (one block east of Black Forest Rd on McFerron). The Grand Knight for our council is Steve Reed. You can contact the Knights by email at

Council Meetings
Regular business meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM.

About Our Council
The OLP council was founded in February 1996 through the efforts of many good men lead by Tony Marcotte.  The OLP Council works closely with Our Lady of the Pines Parish, providing funding for many projects especially for the youth, hosting breakfast burrito breakfasts and fish fry dinners, to foster fellowship, and supporting the annual pig roasts, and the parish picnic. The local KofC promotes parish pro-life and family events.

If you’re interested in becoming a Knight and joining our council to become part of our fraternity, please visit Join the Knights

This documentary explores the life, legacy, and impact of Fr. Michael McGivney, the founder of the Knights of Columbus and apostle of spiritual brotherhood and unity.