Congratulations to the Pisculli Family and Paul Ceciliani

We are excited honor Tom, Kayte, and Alicia Pisculli as our Family of the Month. The Piscullis embody the spirit of service, faith, and love, making a positive impact wherever they go. Tom, a Brother Knight and inside guard for our council, is not only an active participant in our council but is also deeply involved in both That Man Is You and Inferno, programs that encourage spiritual growth, fellowship, and personal development among men in our parish. His commitment to these programs reflects his passion for helping others deepen their relationship with God and strengthen their faith. Kayte and Alicia are both actively involved in the Social Outreach Ministry, working to support those in need within our community. Their dedication to helping others, especially the vulnerable, is truly inspiring. Beyond this, Kayte plays an important role in the religious formation of our youth as a volunteer with the Confirmation classes and Religious Education program, helping to guide the next generation of Catholics in their journey of faith.
Alicia, in addition to her work with Social Outreach, serves in the Video Ministry, ensuring that our Masses and other parish events are shared with the broader community. Her technical skills and dedication to this ministry have been invaluable, especially in making our services accessible to those who cannot attend in person. Both Kayte and Alicia volunteer at Wild Blue Cats, a local organization that provides care and shelter for cats in need. Their love and compassion for all of God’s creatures extend beyond the parish, demonstrating their commitment to service in all aspects of life. Together, the Pisculli family has shown an extraordinary level of dedication to their faith and community. Their involvement in numerous ministries and organizations is a testament to their generous hearts and deep faith.

This month’s Knight of the Month award goes to someone who has been very active in the council as I’m sure many of you can attest. He is our Worthy Recorder Paul Ceciliani. Paul has been mentioned in other months for this award, but he has managed to get others nominated instead. Paul has been very important to the council in the last several months. It seems like when there is a job to do Paul is willing step in and take responsibility. Paul has taken on many tasks for our council including: recording our council meetings; maintaining the Knight’s memorial pavers; leading a barbecue team in support of the church; helping other barbecue and cooking teams; helping clean and inventory the shed; and leading the Knight’s of Columbus Soccer challenge at the picnic. Brother Paul has tremendous organizational skills and he is willing to apply them for the benefit of our council and the parish.