Silver Rose at Our Lady of the Pines

A Knights of Columbus Silver Rose was presented at Our Lady of the Pines at the 8:30AM Mass on Tuesday, July 9th, 8:30 AM. Following mass the Rosary was prayed. Silver Rose Pilgrimages share the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe and promote respect for life by participating in this meaningful pilgrimage. The Silver Rose program demonstrates the unity between Knights of Columbus in Canada, the United States and Mexico, through a series of prayer services promoting the dignity of all human life and honoring Our Lady.

Each year, from early March through mid-December, Silver Roses are stewarded by Knights of Columbus councils along routes from Canada to Mexico. Every stop the Silver Rose makes throughout the pilgrimage is a rosary-centered occasion for Knights, parishioners and community members to pray for respect for life, for the spiritual renewal of each nation, and for the advancement of the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The tour culminates with a special mass where all eight Silver Roses come together in Mexico on December 12th at the Basilica in Monterrey with a procession, prayers and Blessings through Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Silver Rose
Grand Knight Pierre Gaudreault with Silver Rose

Monthly Awards – McGuire Family and Ted Breuker

Family of the Month: John and Jean McGuire have been with Our Lady of the Pines for many years, and have always been active in the parish and community. John is a Past Grand Knight and he even held every other position in the council. He has been with the council since its beginning as was Jean with the Ladies’ Auxiliary. As part of their service, this couple has for a long time been bringing communion to the home bound and visiting seniors and ailing. With all of that John continues support to the council by participating in burrito sales.

Knight of the Month: Ted Breuker epitomizes Faith in Action. Ted is a regular and active participant in TMIY, That Man is You, the Parish COR group. As a Proclaimer at Mass, Ted serves as the bridge between Scripture and the faithful. During the Feast of Corpus Christi, Ted helped carry the processional canopy protecting the Blessed Sacrament. Ted also serves as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.

John McGuire – Family of the Month

Knights Lead Stations of the Cross

On the first Friday of Lent, 16 February, many of our knights gathered to lead the parish in the Stations of the Cross. The theme was “Jesus’ Way of the Cross” by Pope Francis. Proclaimers were Rod McNeill, Daryl Spano, and Rick Pavlik. Joe Graff led the choir for music. Paul Ceciliani, Javier Popoca, Mike Snyder, Brian Cruz, Jim Flannery, and Sean Humbarger were candle and cross bearers. Pierre Gaudreault and Steve Reed served as the honor guard.